The day you created your Osmos account you used your "Business Email" to register.  With this business emai,l you activated the account and confirmed that it exists and belong to you and your business.   

From now on this email is your:

A) Main user name and the superadmin for your account

B) The email that clients will reply-to when replying on a quote

C) The email where we will contact you with important information

D) Your UNIQUE identifier with Osmos 

!IMPORTANT! The Business Email that you used to register with Osmos can not be modified by you or by us. Why? This is your main credential and identifier with us. It proves that your account exists, that it is legit and unique. Changing this email will be like changing your social security number.

We understand that sometimes your main business email changes because you now have a domain name or the email you used to register it is not the one you want to be reply-to. That is why we offer an option to add a reply-to email that is different from the email you used to create your account.

To register this reply-to email simply go to Biz Setup ->Business Profile

From here add an email on Business email, and you are set. This email is the one that will be displayed as your reply-to email and where you will get the replies.

!IMPORTANT! This email will never be your user name or identifier with Osmos.