Osmos is a complex software with thousands of possible combinations and scenarios. We need your help to identify any bugs and errors that you may find in your Osmos account.

If you find an ERROR or BUG follow the next steps

STEP 1 - Verify that it is indeed a BUG or ERROR.

This tends to be quite obvious since you will see some screen or error message like this. If you do not see this screen and you think that there is an error that is not related to user permissions or user roles go to step # 2

STEP 2 - Use the appropriate channel to report bugs and errors

You can create a ticket by using one of these 2 channels ONLY.

CHAT CHANNEL - Chat with a support agent

TICKETS CHANNEL - Create a ticket from the ticket section

!!IMPORTANT!! An error or bug can not be reported by phone or email. We can not answer or follow up using these channels.

STEP 3 - Create a ticket by providing ENOUGH AND THE NECESSARY information
To be able to analyze and solve the error or bug, it is essential to reproduce it. In order to be able to reproduce we need you to include the following information when you create a ticket:

  1. The URL of your business in Osmos https://osmoserp.com/login/YOUR BUSINESS
  2. The main user of the account (Alias superadmin). Either the username or email.
  3. If the problem is with a user that is not the superadmin, provide the username (s) that presents the error (Username or email)
  4. Identify in which section of Osmos the problem is happening (Example: Module quotes, CRM listing, etc ...)
  5. If it applies, provide the quote # / contract # or the identifier that will help us locate the problem (Example: Quote # 15)
  6. Tell us step-by-step how to reproduce the error, as if it were a story. (Example: I was in the quote listing, I clicked on edit quote # 15, and I was shown this error screen)
  7. Images and videos are worth a thousand words. Share any media that will help us better understand and reproduce the error so we can solve it faster.

To make it easier for you to create a ticket copy and paste this information into the ticket
Users that present error:
Story step-by-step:
Images or video:

Remember, SMILE :) we are here to help you and resolve the error.