You can define and set of rules for calculating delivery or shipping costs based on quote subtotal.

Go to Catalogs -> Shipping / Delivery

Select if you want to calculate delivery or shipping cost with the use of a region or postal code (You can only choose one).

We recommend selecting Region, because:

A) It gives you more flexibility to define regions by city, state, borough etc...  grouping a set of postal codes.

B) Sometimes customers don't know their Postal Codes. 

Once you define how delivery and shipping will be calculated, click on "+Add Postal Code or Region" and set your rules. 

How does shipping rules work?

a) You need to state rules by using ≥(More than or equal to), ≤ (Less than or equal to) or = (equal)

b) Set the value (a range) for the rule. The value entered here will compare the quote's subtotal value. 

EG: If you set a $200 subtotal, and the rule mention that the delivery cost is $5 for quotes that ar less or equal than $200 , means that all quotes subtotal between $0 and $200 will have a $5 as a shipping cost.

c) Set delivery cost for the region.  

D) You can add as many rules as you need for an specific region or postal code .

E) Once done click on Save. On the list you can see the regions that you have already added. You can edit or delete them.