The quote web form is a great substitute for traditional contact forms.

Imagine a world where you no longer need to capture, transcribe or copy-paste your clients information to create a quote. That's right, now the client is  the one that captures the contact information and select the products or services that they want to quote.

You on the other hand get notified in your email when you receive a new quote request, and a notification is posted to all users on the system notification bell.


Just login to your Osmos Cloud account, click on the notification and you will be redirected to the quote so you can review it, modify or add whatever is necessary and click send.

How to setup your web form:

1) Navigate to Biz Setup -> Biz Profile

2) Open the tab "Web Quote Form"

3) Now customize your form

A) Activate form:

When you activate the form, the form will be made available on your site*. If you deactivate the form will be hidden on your website. 

IMPORTANT! You must copy-paste your UNIQUE code line where you want to display your form on the website. 

IMPORTANT! You have to select the categories of products or services that you want to show in the form. To do this :

        1) Go to Setup -> Prod / Services categories 

        2) Select the category you want to show in the quote form and click edit

        3) Select the option that says "Show category in web form" and click on update

B) Show prices:

This option allows you to display the price of each of the products or services in the quote form.  

C) Automatic quote submission:

If you want quotes to be sent automatically when the customer clicks on the submit button at the end of your quote form, then this option is very useful.


IMPORTANT! If you need to review quotes, adjust them or add items before sending a quote, then DON'T SELECT the automatic quote submission.

D) Show images:

If you want the quote web form to look like an e-commerce, select the option show images. Clients will be able to see photos of the products or services. This is an example of how your form would look like:

If you rather prefer not to show images, the quote web form product and service selection will look like a table. This is an example of how it would look without images.


E) Avoid duplicates with the email:

If you have clients that are recurring or if you simply want to avoid duplicates, select this option. The way it works is very simple. When entering the email on the form, Osmos checks if that email is already registered. If the email is already registered the customer only need to select products or services to be quoted. If client is not registered he will be asked for contact details. 

F) Delivery and Shipping option:

If your business charges for delivery or shipping, the transportation costs can be automatically* calculated based on the client location. For automatic calculation you have to create and set the rules.

Go to Catalogs -> Shipping / Delivery. If you want to learn more about this feature read this article 

G) Additional fields:

When a client is making contact for the first time using the quote web form, you can select what information would you like to collect additionally from the one that is required by Osmos.

(The information required by Osmos is Name, Last Name, Telephone and Email).

When selecting one or more of the available options, these will appear automatically in the quote form. These are optional to be completed by the client.

The fields with the description Date 1, Date 2, Time 1 and Time 2 can be modified and customized in Setup -> Date and Time description

H) Name of the web form sections:

These are the titles that are visible on the quote web form. Osmos has default titles per section, which can be modified to better suit your business and customers. Here is an example of the texts that will be displayed:

I) Thank you Page

When a client clicks send, they are redirected to a thank-you page. This page usually confirms that the quote was sent and that you will be in contact. You can place your own Thank you page URL here or leave it empty if you don't have a thank you page.

J) Notes:

In the note section you can display a message within your web quote form. This can be a reminder. In this example we wrote "Prices do not include taxes"

K) Other fields

At the bottom, you have the code that need to be added to your website.
You need to have access to your website or ask the person in charge to copy-paste the code to display the web form.

You can adjust the height and width of the form with these variables:

Additionally, before sending the form, the client will have to verify that he is a human being and is not a SPAM machine. We integrated a tool called reCAPTCHA from Google to prevent SPAM.