The interactive buttons allow your customers to interact directly with the quote making it easier for you to follow-up. Clients can click on any of the following buttons:

  • Accept the quote
  • Reject the quote
  • Send Comments, and
  • Sign Electronically

How? When you send a quote from Osmos, the client receives an email that looks like this. On the top 4 interactive buttons are displayed. When the client clicks on any, you will get a notification inside Osmos.


When clicking the client can also add some additional comments.

Your business will get a notification on Osmos. These are grouped under the notification bell at the top of your screen. You can click on them to view the quote.

You can customize the interactive buttons text and description from Setup-> System Values

Look for "Quote Interactive Button" section. From here you can rename buttons and you can customize message displayed to the client.