Next, you'll find 2 methods to capture a payment: 

IMPORTANT!! Once a payment is selected as "CAPTURED"you will not be able to make any modifications or edit the information that has already been captured.

1) Register a Payment from your  Home Screen

Search the customer, contract or quote in the search engine (1) Once identified, select it and click (2) on Collect a Payment. 

Example: Enter customer name, all quotes and contracts associated with the client will be displayed. Select the contract number to which you want to register the payment and click "Collect a Payment"

2) Register a Payment from Accounts Receivable Module

Simply go to A. Receivable module, select the customer from the list and click on edit on the action column.


Once on edit mode:

1) Open the “Payment” tab. Here it will display a list of ALL payments made and due. If you don’t see payment scheduled, register it here.

2) If payment day, method and amount are correct, select account to be deposited from the list and click on “Capture”. You can enter a reference and a comment.

3) If information is not accurate click on “edit” that is next to “Capture”. Edit the payment information and once you are done you can either “Save” or “Capture” the payment.


IMPORTANT! If you adjust the amount on a payment, you will be required to adjust all of the future payments so the addition of all payments matches 100%. You won’t be able to proceed and save. Click on “Add Payment”, this will create a new payment agreement and will autocomplete the missing amount to cover 100% of the grand total amount.

4) A receipt will be created after a payment has been captured