The clients newly created are automatically assigned to the sales rep (user) that first add them to Osmos. You can re-assign the clients to a new sales representative.
METHOD 1 Re-assign a customers to a Sales Representative
You can assign a client to a sales rep from the customer module, "Client Statistics" section. At the bottom you have the button “modify” next to the current sales person. Click on it and assign the new sales person from the list and click save.
METHOD 2 Re-assign a batch of customers to a new Sales Representative
If you need to re-assign a batch of clients to a new sales person do the following
a) Navigate to the customer module listing
b) Select the clients you want to re-assign by checking each box
c) From the dropdown list “Batch Action” select option “Assign sales Rep”
d) A new drop-down menu will appear, select the sales person form the list and click “Go”
NOTE: If you sales person is not on the list make sure you have it added as a employee. If you want to learn how to add users or employees check this link How to add users / employees / resources?