User Roles
To create a new role or modify it go to Setup / User Roles
Osmos comes with predefined roles. You can modify them or create new one from scratch. To modify the role (edit) click on the green lock. The blue pencil only edits the role name.
When editing or creating a new role a list with all different restrictions per module, section or feature. We suggest to go one by one. They all offer similar options and these are:
- Select All (Meaning that you are giving full access to that specific module or function)
- Chart (You give permission to see any type of chart, graphics or reports on that section)
- List (You give permission to view the module listing)
- Add (You give permission to add new clients, quotes or values to the list)
- Edit (You give permission to edit values from the current list)
- View (You give access ONLY to view values within the module, the screen after the list)
- Delete (You give permission to delete values)
- Allow ( You grant access to view that module from the menu
When finished click "Save".
Additional Permissions
Additionally, you can assign levels to users from the employees section. Go to Catalogs -> Employees / Users
For each user you can assign extra roles and functions, and these are:
A) It is a resource: From here you identify if this user will be a resource within Osmos. The resources are used in the order module.
B) Access to all customers: This option allows the user to access the entire list of customers. Own and other user clients.
C) PO User: By checking this option the user will be receiving all purchase order requests.
D) Create CFDI's: This option is only available for businesses in Mexico. It allows the user to generate CFDI electronic invoices in Osmos.
User Level
E) User level: There are 4 types of user levels. With the levels you can for example identify and define a sales manager from a sales rep by giving "Authorization" privileges.
Level 1 - Has full access, "authorization" privileges with the assigned role.
Level 2 - Same as level 1, but can not modify contracts and have restricted access to some reports.
Level 3 - Same as level 2, but can not modify customer information, can not cancel or create contracts, can not create notes of credit, reject orders, re-assign clients or leads and has restricted access to some reports.
Level 4 - Restricted access, can only create quotes from current customers.