The Superadmin is assigned to the person that created the account. The email, user level or role cannot be modified for the superamdin. The superadmin user has full privileges and it is Osmos Cloud direct point of contact. Do not share the credential details with anyone (Email access, user and password).
The superadmin is the only user that can:
- Close the account
- Create the 1st set of users
- Add keys and connect to different API’s , for example Stripe
- Upgrade or downgrade the plan. Buy users.
- Change the method of payment
- Make payments
- Change account information
The only information you can modify for the superadmin is the Name, Last name, Call-in-pin, and profile picture.
To learn how to do it go to How to update my user profile?
NOTE: As superadministrator you can send a special request to change your business name, billing and contact information.