With Once logged in go to Catalogs / Expenses Catalog
Begin by adding a new category. It will help you categorized expenses by groups and type of expenses. (Example: Office Supplies, Maintenance, Admin Expenses, etc...)
Once you have some categories add your products or services by clicking Add requisition product. Follow and complete what is asked.
Tip 1: It is a good idea to open a new window or have your supplier names ready, by doing so you will be able to assign the suppliers to your requisition products. If you add them by using a new window, once you have added the supplier How to Add suppliers?, go to your requisition product page and click on the 2 arrows to refresh the supplier list with new suppliers added.
Tip 2: You can add units directly from the Unit field by clicking the plus sign“+”. Just make sure the unit is not already on our pre-defined list.
Tip 3: You can add as many suppliers as you want for the same product or service. By doing this you will be able to select from whom to purchase from. In some cases 1 supplier is enough.